The Kitchenarian

January 28, 2010

Definition of a Kitchenarian

Filed under: Uncategorized — kitchenarian @ 3:39 pm

The Kitchenarian –

If Webster had a listing in his big book that offered a brief description and explanation of the word kitchenarian it would go something like this:

kitchenarian –   [kich-uhn air-ee-uhn]


1.  a person trained in kitchen science

2.  of and all things pertaining to the kitchen

3.  a blog that examines all subject matter related to the kitchen

But, alas, Webster never mentions kitchenarian in the dictionary  so you are left to ponder the meaning and I am left to try to make some meaning out of your pondering.

This blog will discuss just about anything related to the kitchen.  I will talk about food, but I am not a trained chef.  (However, I know many trained chefs.)  I will absolutely talk about kitchen products.  I will try to answer some of the questions about what products are most useful in the kitchen.  I do consider myself a trained professional when it comes to kitchen products.  I have spent over eight years working in the kitchen retail environment. I have spent hundreds of hours in product trainings.  I have answered thousands of customers’ questions about all things related to the kitchen.

I have my favorite kitchen equipment.   I  am a snob when it comes to kitchen products.  Not just because I have snob tendencies, but because I know what qualities and features makes these products the best.   This blog is my venue for sharing this information.

So let’s get this started……

January 27, 2010

Stay Tuned…

Filed under: Uncategorized — kitchenarian @ 1:53 am

My first post will be out soon – stay tuned.

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